93 Year Old Dumpster Diving Urban Gardener

May 30, 2011

93 year-old Robert Horton, Jr., on his downtown Greenwich, CT patio.

My 93 year-old father-in-law is a dumpster diver. During one of his recent expeditions into the trash at a neighboring elementary school, he discovered some metal file cabinets whose … Read More...

Go Configure…

January 7, 2010


A bit like the Legos or TinkerToys of our childhood, Barcelona designer, Dani Miras, has created a modular garden chaise/table/chair thingamajig that offers infinite possibilities for configuring to fit your particular urban garden space.


Try it as a chaise …

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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