Birdhouse Is a Place For a Bird to Hang Its Hat

August 9, 2013


Hat’s off to Two’s Company for their Winston Boater Hat birdhouse. I was so tickled by this bird abode, I had a bee in my bonnet waiting to post this–just simply could not keep it under my hat. No worries, … Read More...

Birdhouse Roof Tiles

January 6, 2013


The shrinking bird population in urban settings led Netherlands-based product designer Klaas Kuiken to design an archetype Birdhouse Rooftile that replaces a standard ceramic roof tile.


The rooftop nesting place, composed of a specially designed removable basket with access below, … Read More...

Modern Avian Architecture

September 27, 2011

Inspired by legendary architect Mies van der Rohe’s famous Barcelona Pavilion from 1929, designer Monique Engelund has reinterpreted the building as a modern gathering space for birds and a sculptural focal point for the garden. The Bird Pavilion honors van … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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