How Do We Feed Our Cities?

October 20, 2009 by

The world is experiencing the largest wave of urban growth in history. For the first time in history, more than half the world’s population is living in cities. By 2050, according to a United Nations estimate, the world’s cities will be home to more than 9 billion.  How will we feed these urbanites?

Carolyn Steel spoke at the TED conference about how food shapes our cities:

“The question of how to feed cities may be one of the biggest contemporary questions, yet it’s never asked: we take for granted that if we walk into a store or a restaurant, food will be there, magically coming from somewhere. Yet, think of it this way: just in London, every single day, 30 million meals must be provided. Without a reliable food supply, even the most modern city would collapse quickly. And most people today eat food of whose provenance they are unaware.”

How does your urban garden grow, but more importantly, can it feed you?

1 Comment »

  1. Shane said:

    I love TED. Some great minds. Thanks for sharing. One more thing to think about. Sometimes so overwhelming but we just have to take it a little at a time and continue to share our info…wake people up!

    — October 21, 2009 @ 10:10

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